Dear Small Business Owner,
If you are like most small business owners…even if your business is going well and growing…you’d probably like to know some easy ways to get more referrals and more new customers, especially in an economy such as this one.
And so would your managers, technicians and sales team!
You’d probably like to know how to generate lots more referrals from your current customers.
And you’d probably like to know how you and your team can easily turn total strangers on the street into new customers.
If that’s true, please read the rest of this letter because I can help you.
But first, why should you listen to me? What do I know that you might not?
Good questions. Here’s my answer.
I’ve been a small business owner for over 37 years (7 different businesses), including:
- Commercial honeybee business
- Christmas Tree business
- Nursury & plant business
- Music & entertainment business (2001 inductee into The Atlanta Country Music Hall of Fame!)
- 18 years owning and operating my own termite and pest control company
- Started as out as one man with a spray can and built a million dollar business
- Entomologist
- Past president of The Georgia Pest Control Association
- Marketing consultant and sales trainer
- Small business coach & mentor
- Professional public speaker
- Taught thousands of business owners and sales people how to generate more sales and increase their closing percentages
- Author of 4 books, including The Networking Ninja Handbook, which is a step-by-step, easy to read and understand, ultimate guide to how to get more new customers from your community networking efforts
As you can see, when it comes to small business, I’ve been around the block more than a few times. I’ve had my share of successes…and failures.
Over the past 25 years, I’ve spent over $530,000.00 on paid advertising, including:
- Memberships in local networking groups and associations
- Chamber of Commerce, Rotary and other group ads
- Websites,
- Yellow Pages,
- Newspaper Ads
- Magazine Ads
- Signs
- Direct Mail
- Radio
- Television
- Flyers
- Trade Shows
- You name it.
And, to be quite frank, I NEVER got the return on my investment that the advertisers led me to believe I would. Yet I continued to pour more good money into these campaigns.
Because that was what I was told (by the advertising reps) I needed to do. And it’s what all of my competitors were doing.
Then one day I said, “Enough is enough.”
I began seriously studying sales psychology and what makes people decide to buy things. I wanted to know why my advertising and marketing didn’t work very well. I wanted to figure out how to make it better and more profitable. I wanted more customers.
I sought out people who had the answers. And I paid them a lot of money to show me things.
Over the next several years, I spent a lot of time and effort…and money…learning what works and what doesn’t…and more importantly…WHY!
WHY would someone want to buy from ME?
What is it that actually makes a person…
- Click on a website?
- Stay on the website?
- Call a phone number?
- Schedule an appointment?
- Visit a showroom?
- Respond to an ad?
- And…most important of all…what makes a person decide to write a check or swipe a credit card?
- Why would they say YES to ME instead of my competitor?
Throught years of research, study…and testing in my own businesses…basically, I’ve learned (and PROVEN) WHY people decide to buy something in the first place.
What makes them decide to write a check or swipe a credit card?
I learned that they buy what they WANT and not what they NEED.
And I learned how to make them WANT to buy from ME!
By applying the strategies and techinques I learned, I was able to…
- Dramatically increase the amount of new customers I got from my COMMUNITY NETWORKING efforts!
- Influence total strangers to REFER me to other people
- Dramatically increase the amount of new business I got from my WEBSITE!
- I increased my YELLOW PAGE AD revenues by over 300 percent! ( This works for any ad, not just yellow pages)
- I did a DIRECT MAIL CAMPAIGN and generated a 200 percent NET PROFIT!
- I learned how to say three words that drove a ton of NEW BUSINESS to my door!
- I put a simple phrase on the side of my vehicles that drove more NEW BUSINESS to my door!
- Plus a lot of other things that helped create STEADY STREAMS OF NEW CUSTOMERS who kept showing up at my door.
Listen…it doesn’t matter how large or small your company is…I can show you how to get more new customers…period. I have proven it time and time again.
Here’s an example of someone attended one of my workshops and implemented a few of the things he learned:
“I was having a slow year and decided to advertise in a local community magazine. Hal Coleman told me 5 things to include in my ad that would cause people to call me. At first, I thought it was pretty outrageous stuff. It went totally against what other advertising agents had told me. But, I listened to Hal and designed my ad according to his instructions. Well, all I can say is…..I got slammed with so much business I couldn’t handle it all. We were working 7 days a week for awhile, just from calls coming in from that one ad. If you listen to Hal and do what he says, you will get more customers. (This is not the first time I have used Hal as a consultant, and it has paid off every time!)”
David Garland, President, Garland Services, Inc., Douglasville, Ga., 678-414-7798
I want to show YOU…
- How to get more new business and more new customers from your community networking efforts. I’ll show you how to become a great networker instead of just a great socializer. Do you know the difference?
- How to use your business card to generate a ton of new referrals and new business! You’ll find out exactly what makes a good effective business card and what makes is stand out above everybody else’s.
- How to put up a simple sign that will compel strangers to do business with you YOU. This one strategy will make money for you for the rest of your life!
- How to use one simple but deadly “pick-up line” that will compel any stranger to want to meet with you and find out more about you and your business! Asking this one question will draw other business people to you like a magnet.
- How to build a killer 30 second speech GUARANTEED to make strangers want to do business with you! A great elevator speech is so powerful that, if you come away with nothing else other than a clear understanding of this strategy, it will be more than worth your time and money!
- How to create that one compelling message that dramatically sets you apart from your competition and is GUARANTEED to make anyone in any network meeting desire to do business with you! Do you actually have an incredible Unique Selling Proposition that dramatically sets you apart from you competition?
- Two super effective ways to use your vehicle to help get new customers and grow your business.
Plus a lot more…
Here’s another comment from someone who chose to work with me:
“I booked one day of coaching with Hal Coleman and I can honestly say that I got my money’s worth during the very first hour we spent together. I received so much powerful and useful information that I was blown away by it. He certainly lived up to his reputation of over-delivering on everything he promises. I would tell you that, if you want to learn how to get more new customers and grow your business, you need to book a day with Hal. It’ll be a day you’ll never forget. I can tell you right now that I will be spending more time with Hal in the future!”
Mark Hunter – President, Landmark Pest and Wildlife Solutions, Macon, Ga. 478-972-4357
Imagine not having to worry about getting new business.
Think how it would be if you knew for certain that you were delivering that type of message to the community. What if you could actually see and measure the new customers and new sales coming in as a result!
I’m sure you can see the incredible value.
Here’s what another one of my workshop attendees had to say:
“I learned so much at Hal’s workshop about how to grow my business. It was worth 10 times what I paid!”
Mike Stewart, SoundPages.com, Internet Marketer, 770-888-2276
WARNING! My workshops…and my coaching…are very frank, honest and straight forward. They are NOT for the faint of heart. They are bold and, at times, very blunt. They are not stroking sessions or feel good parties. It is all about change and growth. If you aren’t looking for that, don’t sign up. If your life and your business are exactly where you want them to be, you really don’t need me.
But—if they aren’t—why don’t you give me a call at 770-993-0004 or email Hal@HalColeman.com and let’s talk about some ways I might be able to help you.
The call is FREE so you have absolutely NOTHING TO LOSE.
As a matter of fact, I am so confident in the benefits you will receive and the results you will get, that I am willing to make you this Bold, Iron Clad, No Risk, No Bull, Straightforward, 100% Satisfaction Money Back Guarantee:
“If you come to one of my workshops and, at the conclusion, you are not 100% happy and totally convinced that you have received much more than your money’s worth, simply tell me why and I will promptly and politely refund every penny you paid….period.”
This is not rocket science. It’s just basic, common sense laid out in a very simple easy-to-follow format.
ATTENTION: If you attend networking meetings such as Chamber of Commerce, Rotary, BNI, or any other groups where you want to get new customers, you need to read The Networking Ninja Handbook. This book will show you EXACTLY, STEP-BY-STEP, HOW TO GENERATE MORE REFERRALS AND MORE NEW BUSINESS!
(Get your copy below.)
If you have questions or need additional information about my workshops or coaching program, please feel free to call me at 770-993-0004, or e-mail Hal@HalColeman.com.
Thanks for visiting my website, and I hope you have a great day,
Hal Coleman
PS. If you haven’t already done so, go back to the top of this page and sign up below for my FREE NEWSLETTER and BLOG, and I’ll continue to send you FREE Great Marketing Tips, Secrets, Strategies and Techniques you can go right out and use to get new business!
Click here to view my Audio Programs (These programs are specifically designed for YOU to listen to in your automobile or in your home or office. They will give you tons of great ideas to help you grow your business!)